Wayfair Marketplace Connector

Wayfair Channel APP

As a home and furniture powerhouse Wayfair marketplace offers around 100 million visitors a month everything you need to make a house a home.


If you want to become a seller on Wayfair marketplace ChannelUnity have everything you need to automate your Wayfair selling account.


The Wayfair API suite currently offers the ability to sync stock, price and order feeds with your e-commerce system in real time, with product updates becoming available in the coming months.

Full range of Wayfair marketplace services

ChannelUnity offers a real time sync for marketplace sellers  stock, price and orders feeds all enabled by utilising our web hooks technology.

Our Wayfair channel connection can be linked to all the major ecommerce carts on the market – including the likes of Shopify, Magento, Big Commerce, WooCommerce and even the more bespoke via our Custom API.

Our Marketplace trading tool can also connect to more sophisticated systems including ERP and PIM systems like Netsuite and SAP Business by Design.

Why Choose ChannelUnity?

As an expert in eCommerce and Marketplace integration, we would like to support your growth and progression in this global opportunity. Our team understand the eCommerce industry and that reflects in the way we deliver our system and support our customers.

Real Time Sync

Our web hook technology enables you to keep all systems updated without delay.

Technical Integration

We support connection to all the major ecommerce systems on the market.

Product Optimisation

Advice on best in class data setup which is fundamental to marketplace success.

Price Management

Completely automate pricing to either sync to your website or your custom logic.

Launch At Scale

Our interface lets you scale your catalog across many markets with ease.

Inventory Management

Effortlessly keep all sales channels up to date with your current stock holding.

Consultancy Support

With over a decade of working in this sector we’re well placed to advise you.

Expand Globally

Work with us to build a road map to your marketplace success today.

ChannelUnity Reviews

Find Out More Regarding Wayfair Marketplace

Contact us to discuss the opportunities of selling on Wayfair.

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